Thoughtful Third Grade: On October 6, the Third Grade, along with the Kindergarten students, helped to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis. It was a wonderful experience for them as they dressed up as St. Francis and St. Clare. “At this time, the Third Grade students are working towards building our community of faith by doing random acts of kindness,” explained Mrs. Touloumis. As they come to the month of November, the Third Grade will begin to work toward building their community of faith by collecting canned goods for the food pantry, demonstrating how they are helping others in our community. Over the next few months, in their Math curriculum, the children will be working on learning multiplication. They will use different hands-on activities to learn their multiplication facts, including creating multiplication arrays, having class multiplication bees, and working with each other to practice their facts. “Making it fun will make it stick,” emphasized Mrs. Touloumis! Their class theme for the month of October was “bats.” Third Grade went batty working on different Reading, Science, Math, Writing and Art activities related to the topic of bats. They created poems, made bats, and demonstrated how important and useful bats really are. “It’s a batty world out there,” according to our Third Grade!
Fun and Fabulous Fourth Grade: Mrs. Dodson is kicking off her students’ Fourth Grade year with a new Religion book series, Christ Our Life! The series focuses on how God is revealing Himself to us through creation, the Bible, Jesus and the Church. “One of the ways we can know Him better is to study the saints,” explained Mrs. Dodson. The class has been researching and preparing a short presentation for All Saints Day on November 1st in the church. The students have become proficient in their multiplication and division facts as they prepare to do longer math problems. They love using their Chromebooks every day to explore and understand their world. “We are excited to start our LabLearner investigations about the human body systems as well,” proclaimed Mrs. Dodson! One of Fourth Grade’s favorite things to do is play BINGO to practice their vocabulary words in Science and Social Studies. Everyone has been working hard on reading books and reviewing strategies to help them to think and learn about what they read. Fourth Grade is focusing on fun and learning fabulous facts!