Lent is upon us, and OMPH School will be spending these 40 days in prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. In addition, Father Jim has challenged our students to compete in the “Easter Bowl!” Read below for ways our students are preparing during the Holy season:
Prayer: Praying hands for each child will be hung on the wall outside of the gym. Students will add prayer intentions on hearts to hang around the praying hands. Prayer intentions will be added throughout Lent.
Sacrifice: Hand print cut outs will be used to mark students’ good deeds for each other. These will be hung in the hallway outside of their classrooms.
Almsgiving: Students will bring in coins to add to the MCA jar in their classrooms. At the end of Lent, classes will guess how much they have collected from their sacrifices to give to the missions.
Father Jim's Easter Bowl Challenge
Lent is a good time for practicing sacrifice and self-mastery. This Lent, we are challenging our students in 3rd through 8th grades to give up (for 14 days at a time) some type of “recreational” technology (video gaming, smart phone, TV): whatever is becoming most additive. Students will have three, 2-week opportunities to choose from during the 40 days of Lent. Students will also be given a “forgiveness day” if they should slip. If they give up technology for 14-days, they make the “playoffs” with a chance to win the “Easter Bowl” (the Eagles had a chance to win the Super Bowl, our students have a chance to win the Easter Bowl!).
Any student who makes the playoffs will be given a school fun day – one full afternoon – with a chance of winning the Easter Bowl! Parents will support and assist their children by monitoring their progress and encouraging their attempts. “The challenge of giving up something addictive is hard enough, but replacing it with something healthy is even harder,” explained Father Jim.
Winning the Easter Bowl will be based on: (1) what technology did the student give up and for how long (we hope students will give up the technology for the whole 6-week Lenten period!) and (2) what healthy ways did they replace the time with. “We are PRAYING that all our students will take up this challenge, as we continue to see the negative impact video games and social media are having on our youth! Pray with us: for their success will depend on your support,” Father Jim added.