Hispanic Heritage Month began on September 15, and the OMPH School students have been working all month on projects and lessons related to Hispanic artists, authors, and more. In September, our 8th and 3rd Grade students worked together with Elementary Art teacher Mrs. Jacobs, to create pictures of llamas, an animal that can be found in Peru. Third Grade students, led by Mrs. Touloumis, located the country of Peru on a map of South America and researched the population of the country, the languages spoken, important features, and landmarks. They also completed an animal research project about llamas!
Our Middle School students, led by Social Studies teacher Miss Peters, are also focusing on Hispanic lessons this month. The 6th Grade students are creating hats in the style of those found in Mexico, while the 7th and 8th Grade students are learning about foods native to Mexico and Puerto Rico. Classes will also be treated to a piano/keyboard musical piece, composed by a Hispanic musician and played by one of our students! Middle School students will also be focusing on Hispanic Heritage Month in their Language Arts classes.
The Sixth and Seventh graders will be performing Reader's Theater for the younger students. Seventh grade will be working with their prayer pals to show them how to make a slide presentation while putting together the information they have found on Peru. Eighth grade will be researching a Hispanic children's book author, creating a presentation, and then choosing one of the author's books to read to the younger students. Don’t forget to check the OMPH School Facebook page (@OMPHEphrata) throughout the month for pictures of our students’ completed projects!